Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bible Verses You Need to Take at Heart

I need an excuse to always read my Bible. So I've made my devotional reading into a blog! Actually, it's more of verse-studying. *hehe* ^^ This blog will contain purely verses and my meditations about it. And hopefully, I could update regularly. That means, reading daily. I'll make this as a sort of rule for me, to read the Bible daily, so I could write daily.

I'll be posting some initial verse readings that I included in my other personal *random* blog, I am Crizna. And will be updating twice a day, for morning and evening readings.

You guys can use this as your own devotions and quiet time. I hope someone can also benefit from this. :D

Do leave a message, comment, reactions, questions, and suggestions. I'd be very much open to take about anything reasonable. ^^

God Bless All! Photobucket

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